May 3, 2023
Dr. Gina Grandy appointed dean, Haskayne School of Business

I am very pleased to announce that Dr. Gina Grandy has been appointed dean of the Haskayne School of Business for a renewable term of five years, effective Sept. 1, 2023.
Currently, Dr. Grandy is dean of the Hill and Levene Schools of Business at the University of Regina, a position she has held since 2018. She is a full professor with expertise in strategy and leadership and previously held the role of associate dean of research and graduate programs at the Hill and Levene Schools at University of Regina while also serving as the Royal Bank of Canada Women in Leadership Research Scholar.
Gina completed her Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Business Administration at Memorial University and her PhD in Business Administration – Management at Northumbria University in England. Gina’s leadership, research, teaching, and consulting experiences are international in scope and she has taught and lead research at seven universities across Canada, the United Kingdom and Ukraine.
Gina is co-editor of two books and her award-winning research on leadership, gender and women’s experiences at work, stigmatized work, and case writing has been published widely. She has held research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Currently, she is the lead for the national Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub in Saskatchewan and is part of an associated national research team conducting research on women’s entrepreneurship funded by SSHRC. She is experienced in fund development and donor relations, and most recently led the efforts to secure federal government funding in excess of $9 million for the Hill and Levene Schools to develop a national online program in creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Over the past 25 years, Gina has consulted for a diverse range of not-for-profit, public and for-profit organizations across Canada in leadership development, women’s leadership, as well as strategic analysis, planning, and implementation. Gina serves on community and academic boards for local, national and international organizations.
An international search led by Janet Soles and Associates was conducted to find the best possible candidate to serve as the next dean of the Haskayne School of Business. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the members of the advisory selection committee, that I chaired, for the time they dedicated to this important search. They are: Penny Pexman (vice-president research representative), Catherine Heggerud (tenured academic staff representative), Sandy Hershcovis (tenured academic staff representative), Alain Verbeke (tenured academic staff representative), Hussein Warsame (tenured academic staff representative), Justine Wheeler (TUCFA representative), Kristin Baetz (decanal representative), Stephane Massinon (MaPS representative), Rochelle Lamoureux (AUPE representative), Aly Samji (SU representative), Mick Elliott (GSA representative), Andrew Szeto (GFC representative), Sarah Eaton (GFC representative), Keith Brown (community representative), and Eleanor Chiu (community representative).
I would also like to thank Dr. Jim Dewald for his excellent leadership of the Haskayne School of Business over the last 10 years. His second term comes to an end on June 30, 2023. An announcement of an interim dean for the months of July and August will be made shortly.
Over Jim’s two terms as dean, the school’s growth in faculty, staff, students, and programs has been significant. Jim has led the establishment of the Creative Destruction Lab Rockies at Haskayne and six new centres (in leadership, entrepreneurship, real estate, corporate sustainability, business futures, and social entrepreneurship). He has helped to attract over $100 million in philanthropy and was instrumental in the planning, funding, and completion of Mathison Hall, a 100,000 square foot state-of-the-art student learning centre for the school’s growing student body.
Please join me in warmly welcoming Dr. Gina Grandy to the University of Calgary and thanking Dr. Jim Dewald for his service to the Haskayne School of Business and the University of Calgary.
Penny Werthner
Interim Provost and Vice-President (Academic)