Commotion Media

Alumni connection: Kirsten Bolton, BA’90, MA’93, is founder, brand strategist and chief storyteller.

Faculty: Faculty of Arts

Category: Advertising, Marketing and PR

Region: Calgary

Company information: As a solopreneur consultant, I competitively [re]position brands for better performance. Create authentic brand identities, programs, messaging, and on-point experiences. Build bonds with stories that not only resonate and influence but build true Brand Advocates -- among customers, employees, stakeholders, media, and investors.
Combining 25 years of professional backgrounds in dramatic/commercial filmmaking, writing, brand strategy and development, and creative, effective marketing and communications --my common denominator is "STORY." Connecting and aligning with audiences' emotions, motivations, values and needs. My job is to build better brand connections through the power of story.

Year established: 1997

Contact information: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn