National Volunteer Week

Volunteer Engagement

There are many ways to engage, reconnect and support your alma mater and community as an alumni volunteer.

Share Your Knowledge and Talent. Gain New Skills.

Volunteering with your alma mater is a wonderful opportunity to enrich the lives of current students and your broader alumni community around the world. Plus, the benefits of volunteering are endless — you’ll learn new skills, connect with old friends and meet new ones, share your knowledge, and have fun! Whether you have a few hours to give at a time or are searching for a longer-term role, we have something for you.

Volunteer Opportunities

Current Opportunities

Whether you have a few hours to give or want a longer-term role, we have something meaningful for you. Get started by figuring out what kind of volunteer you are, based on your interests and skills.

Boards and commitees

Board and Committees

Volunteer board members of the University of Calgary Alumni Association use their expertise, leadership and networks to make a significant, strategic impact on the global UCalgary Alumni community.

Volunter impact


Volunteers are at the heart of the UCalgary Alumni community. Their dedication positively impacts alumni and students. More than 1,000 alumni in 75 cities across the world give the gift of knowledge, skills and talent.