Affinity Communities

Join (or start!) a volunteer-led group to connect with your fellow alumni over shared interests and experiences. 


Building Strong Connections

The UCalgary Alumni network is nearly 180,000 strong and spans more than 50 countries worldwide. Within this network, you’ll find Affinity Communities that are volunteer-led micro-communities built around common interests and experiences, faculty affiliation, or location. Members plan activities and events throughout the year, organize volunteer opportunities and build connections across their community. Affinity Communities are officially recognized by the UCalgary Alumni Association and have access to a variety of benefits, including funding to support group initiatives, alumni swag, exclusive invitations and much more. 

Affinity Communities Information

How to Create an Affinity Community

Interested in creating a new Affinity Community around a certain interest, faculty affiliation or location? Start the online application process by providing your proposed group’s mission statement, location and how it’ll strengthen connections across a like-minded community.

Get started

Existing Affinity Communities

Let us introduce you to existing UCalgary Affinity Communities that, throughout the year, host social activities and professional networking events, organize volunteer opportunities, build connections across their community, and fundraise to support university initiatives. 

Find a group

Resources for Your Community

Affinity Communities receive a suite of tools to support the activities and events volunteers plan throughout the year. This includes information to help guide the leadership and governance of your group to resources for event-planning, fundraising and communicating with your members. 

Learn more