Happy, Healthy and Hybrid
March 18, 2023
Grow Your Career Conference Morning Concurrent Session
UCalgary, Downtown Campus (in-person)
You may be passionate about the work you do in your current position, but have you ever spent time reflecting on the kind of work style and environment that best suits you?
Dr. Thomas O’Neill has. As leader of the Individual and Team Performance Lab at the University of Calgary, his research looks at how employees can maximize efficiency, personal wellness and team health, especially in hybrid working environments.
Join Dr. O’Neill, BA’05, PhD, for a hands-on exploration of personal and leader effectiveness in hybrid and remote work, and how you can not only be the best at what you do, but how you do it.
Please note that this session is part of the 2023 Grow Your Career Conference full in-person conference day on March 18.
About the Speaker

Dr. Thomas O’Neill, BA’05, PhD, Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Calgary
Dr. Thomas O’Neill is a global research leader in the areas of high-performance teamwork, virtual team and leader effectiveness, flexible remote and hybrid work, human-autonomy teaming, conflict and conflict management, personality, and assessment. He has published more than 75 peer-reviewed journal articles in outlets such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Research Methods and Human Resource Management Review, and he has worked extensively to translate science into practice through consultations, workshops, public lectures, training and other resources. He holds a Master of Science and a PhD from the University of Western Ontario.