#104 Melanee Thomas MA'06
Melanee Thomas MA'06 talks gender disparity in politics and the Calgary election.
#104 Melanee Thomas MA'06

About our guest
Melanee Thomas MA'06 joined the department of political science at Ucalgary in 2012. Her research focuses on the causes and consequences of gender-based political inequality in Canada and other post-industrial democracies, with a particular focus on political attitudes and behaviour, and policy feedback. Her current projects include an edited collection titled Mothers and Others: Understanding the Impact of Family Life on Politics (funded by a SSHRC Aid to Workshops Grant), an exploration of the effects of gender, stereotype threat, and psychological orientations to politics (funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant), and project examining the role electoral districts play in voter turnout, party competition, and representational diversity.
Dr. Thomas is willing to supervise graduate students studying gender and politics, Canadian politics, political behaviour, public opinion, and political psychology.