Oct. 23, 2024
2024 Institutional Sustainability Report highlights meaningful action and community partnerships

The University of Calgary’s 2024 Institutional Sustainability Report (ISR) provides measurable results to monitor progress and impacts of the sustainability efforts of students, staff and the campus community during the 2023-24 reporting period.
Reflecting on many endeavours across campus, the 2024 ISR spotlights actions taken in teaching and learning, research and innovation, campus and community engagement, and sustainable campus practices.
The report also outlines how faculties are leading campus sustainability efforts, including integrating research, engaging students and incorporating sustainability science into course content. Success stories highlight institutional strategies that enhance our campus’ global impacts, alongside innovative research that breaks barriers to equality and address climate change.
To communicate different dimensions of sustainability and our impact at local to global scales, the report links each action taken by UCalgary to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“For more than a decade, the UCalgary community has been at the forefront of promoting sustainability,” says UCalgary President Ed McCauley.
“Our collective efforts, spanning all faculties and campus administration, have led to significant changes that positively impact people, places and the planet, reflecting our shared commitment to a sustainable future,” he says.
These unified efforts support the goals outlined in UCalgary’s Institutional Sustainability Strategy and contribute to the advancement of the SDGs. As a result, UCalgary has been recognized as a global leader by the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings and has consistently ranked among the top five per cent of post-secondary institutions for advancing the SDGs over the past five years.
Download the ISR Report and learn how UCalgary is answering the urgent call for action to create a peaceful, equitable and sustainable planet for all.
We value your feedback
As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we are seeking your valuable feedback on the 2024 ISR.
Please take a few moments to share your thoughts by completing brief Survey
Your insights will help us understand what we are doing well and identify areas where we can improve.
For more information on SDSN Canada, email SDSNCanada@ucalgary.ca.
The University of Calgary’s Institutional Sustainability Strategy provides a road map for continuous improvement in our pursuit of excellence and leadership in sustainability. We aim to be a Canadian post-secondary education leader in sustainability in our academic and engagement programs, administrative and operational practices, and through supporting community and industry in their aims for leadership in sustainability.