March 6, 2020
UCalgary named one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers

From in-depth strategies and thoughtful policies, dedicated staff members and fun lively events, the University of Calgary is committed to upholding diversity and inclusion on campus. And once again, this commitment has been recognized by Canada’s Best Diversity Employers. This is the fourth consecutive year the university has made the list of 100 employers that have “exceptional workplace diversity and inclusiveness programs.”
UCalgary has a long and impressive list of initiatives that foster different points of view. The Indigenous Strategic Plan, the Mental Health Strategy, Women’s Advancement Office in the Schulich School of Engineering, and Diversity Days are just a few of the many reasons the university has, once again, made the select list.
”Inclusion is a central part of conversations happening across the country," says Kristina Leung, senior editor of the Canada's Top 100 Employers project. "Organizations that make this an integral part of their workplace reap the benefits of diverse perspectives, which leads to increased innovation, productivity, and engagement.”
UCalgary is leading the way toward creating an inclusive and respectful workplace where everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, mobility or mental health issues, feels welcome and set up for success.
“Making the list of Canada’s top 100 diversity employers for the fourth year is very meaningful,” says Dr. Dru Marshall, UCalgary’s provost and vice-president (academic). “The University of Calgary can only reach its full potential when everyone on campus feels valued and supported for the contributions they are making.”
Now in its 13th edition, Canada’s Best Diversity Employers recognizes successful diversity initiatives in a variety of areas, including programs for employees in five areas: women, members of visible minorities, people with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples, and LGBT+ people.
From the Office of Diversity, Equity and Protected Disclosure, Staff Wellness Centre to Institute for Gender Research, the university is “absolutely committed to creating a safe, inclusive and respectful culture, open to embracing a diversity of views, thought and experience,” says Marshall. “It’s incredibly significant and a tremendous honour to rank alongside other leading Canadian employers that are creating diverse workplaces.”
Canada’s Best Diversity Employers competition is open to any employer with its head office or principal place of business in Canada. Employers of any size may apply, whether private or public sector. The full list of this year’s winners is published in today’s Globe and Mail and on the competition’s website. Find more details about why UCalgary was selected for this award in the Reasons for Selection.

Canada’s Best Diversity Employers recognizes successful diversity initiatives in five areas.