May 31, 2019
University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grants call for 2020 proposals

I am pleased to announce the launch of the 2020 University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grants. This program provides resources for integrating research evidence into teaching practice, generating new knowledge about learning at the University of Calgary and supporting the dissemination of results to benefit others. Grant applications are due Oct. 28, 2019.
The Teaching and Learning Grants support the development, implementation, critical examination and dissemination of innovative and evidence-based approaches to learning. We invite applications from academic staff and academic librarians, archivists and curators, as well as teaching assistants, postdoctoral scholars, student service professionals and administrative staff. Some restrictions apply for primary grant holders. Read more about eligibility and restrictions.
These grants facilitate projects through three streams:
Development and Innovation: This grant stream supports teaching and learning projects developing something new or innovating something already in place at the University of Calgary. The scope may vary from individual activities to entire programs, such as the creation of a new resource, the implementation of a new practice, or the (re)design of activities, courses or programs. Development and Innovation Grants last one year and can be individual or collaborative. Funding amounts can be up to $7,500.
Lesson Study: These grants support team-based studies of single lessons that are carefully developed and studied to promote significant learning goals. Lesson study grants last one or two years. They are for teams of three to six members. Teams can receive funding up to $7,500 per year, to a maximum of $15,000 for two years.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: These grants support formal, evidence-based studies focused on better understanding or improving student learning. They can be individual or collaborative and one or two years in duration. Individual projects can receive up to $10,000 per year, to a maximum of $20,000 for two years. Collaborative projects can receive up to $20,000 per year, to a maximum of $40,000 for two years.
Our students, faculty and staff demonstrate great dedication to our Eyes High strategy, our Academic Plan and our commitment to enriching the quality and breadth of learning and research at the University of Calgary. This program supports our colleagues through their continuing investigations in teaching and learning. We genuinely appreciate your efforts and we look forward to receiving your submissions.
Dru Marshall
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)